April 30, 2017

Term 2 week 1

Welcome back!

We are starting phonics off with 


Describing our holiday adventures by remembering to use-


We are continuing multiplication and division for the first  three weeks

family of facts games

Remember you can look at the other weeks to revisit learning and strategies. Learning is a lot of practicing of new skills - so keep practicing! :) 

April 06, 2017

week 11

The end of term is here so we will be going over all the learning we have been doing and reminding ourselves of sounds, chunks of letters, skills and strategies we need to practice to help our brain keep developing further.
Go over the other weeks pages and revisit what you need to. 
Practice, practice, practice!
apostrophes revision
Different types of words for writing

We are using poems this week to describe objects.
Click the link below and find out about acrostic poems.